Phew! It’s been a crazy few months and I have totally been off the blogging and the YouTube horse as I worked hard to get my first Pluralsight course off the ground: “Building Beautiful Angular Applications with PrimeNG”.

The great news is that PluralSight is pulling together the launch video right now - so we’re really, really close!

So what’s next?

That’s an awesome question.

And the answer is… more PrimeNG!

I’m excited to say that I’m currently working on a short-term commercial consulting gig using Angular/PrimeNG - so I’m definitely dog-fooding my enthusiasm for both frameworks.

PrimeNG for a living

I’ve decided to move toward online teaching for the next season of my life - but I’ve always felt the best teachers are the ones working in the field, so it’s important to me to keep my hand in professional development work (outside of just “professional training”).

It’s actually been really confronting to sit down and work out a professional growth plan for myself as a programmer. 20 years in, and there’s still so many fundamentals that I get slack about.. (blog posts coming on “leveling up” soon..)

But that’s what’s so great about our profession. There is always a growth goal to stretch toward - or something new to learn - and the disruption never stops!

And the Hobby Mobile project…

I’ve promised a friend that I’d pull together a little PWA/Mobile app to help him track his swim progress. I’ve been building it with Ionic and having a ball.

Really looking forward to spending more time with ServiceWorker this year. Some cool stuff to learn there..

Hacking a PWA with Ionic 3

And what’s coming up on the blog?

I’m hoping to explore a few themes here over the next month:

  • Stuff I’m still learning about PrimeNG (love that framework)
  • Some thinking about developing a personal growth plan for leveling up as a programmer
  • Things I’m learning about PWA/Ionic to build for the Mobile Web

That sounds like a bunch of cool stuff. Time to get cracking!