I’ve had a cracker this year. It might well have been one of the best years of my life!

Didn’t write a book. Didn’t have a baby. Didn’t ship a world-beating app. Didn’t speak at any big gigs. Didn’t finish a marathon. Didn’t make a ton of money. Or even have something go viral.

Nope. None of those things.

This year I took bold actions toward things that matter to me.

That is all.

And that is more than enough.

Creating Software.

Wrote some great software for clients that makes their lives easier and more productive. Even delivered my own hobby app to make my own life easier.

Puppymail rocks

Creating Video.

I had so much fun on my YouTube Channel shooting Learn Angular 2.0 in 21 days and Ship Your Hobby Project in 30 days. That’s a lot of video content, and by the end of it the projection workflow has improved considerably!

Loved Youtube

I’m going to be doing a lot more video next year, so make sure you subscribe if you haven’t yet!

Creating Blog Posts.

I love writing. And it was great to get back on the blogging horse this year.

This is post 46 for this year. That’s almost my busiest blog year on record (only exceeded by 2006 with 47). That was ten years ago when life was a lot simpler!

I’m really enjoyed the switch to Hexo, Git and Markdown, and this style of blogging is definitely the minimalist future I’ve been looking for.

Discovering Fresh Community.

I’ve really enjoyed making new friends inside and outside the tech community this year. You really are the sum of the five closest people you hang around - so make sure you’re intentional about those people!

I’m putting the whole “personal networking” thing front and centre for next year. I’ve learned so many great techniques from Fizzle this year that I can’t wait to apply in 2017.

Loved HTML

Rediscoving the Web

Angular 2 and Ionic 2 have really pulled me back into the heart of the WebDev community - and it’s an awesome place to be.

TypeScript is all kinds of wonderful, and I’d happily spend all of 2017 hacking on Angular and Ionic apps in TypeScript.

In fact, that’s what my diary looks like at the moment.

So. Very. Pumped.

Great Habits

Kent Beck said, “I’m not a great programmer; I’m just a good programmer with great habits.”

This year, I’ve had a really hacked on my own personal habits and have definitely gone next level.

I’m more disciplined than ever (inside and out), and have worked out some great productivity hacks to be the most effective I’ve been in my life (check out my free Ship Your Hobby Project in 30 days for an insight).

And 2017 looks even more awesome…

So many great projects scheduled for 2017. Can’t wait to get started!

Thanks for hanging out!