Today on the show we investigate Angular 2 [property] syntax - and also explore the wonders of per-component styling.

Now with click events and dynamic styles!

You can always grab tagged source code on the GitHub repo which will be tagged day1, day2, etc.

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Here’s the script to follow along at home:

[ ] You can hack DOM properties directly with [prop] syntax (not the quotes inside the quotes)


[ ] You can also do per-component styling that won’t clash with the rest of your layout:

.like {
    color: red !important;

.retweet {
    color: red !important;

[ ] But we want that to be conditional, so we’ll change the classes

.liked {
    color: red !important;

.retweeted {
    color: red !important;

[ ] Be good to do this conditionally using ngClass directive

[ngClass]='{ retweeted: isUserInCollection(tweet.retweets, "Glen") }'

[ngClass]='{ retweeted: isUserInCollection(tweet.retweets, "Glen") }'

[ ] Cheer our awesomeness. We’ve learned about (events) and [properties]. Tomorrow, the textbox cometh!