Today we investigate the wonders of (click) events and catching them in our backing component. We’ll be tweeted and favoriting up a storm.

You can always grab tagged source code on the GitHub repo which will be tagged day1, day2, etc.

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Here’s the script to follow along at home:

[ ] First we’re going to implement our Favorite and Retweet buttons using (click) Events



[ ] Implement the click handlers too

OnFavorite(tweet) {

OnRetweet(tweet) {

[ ] Stop double-adds? Be great to do it “properly” with a Tweet object method

isUserInCollection(collection : string[], userId : string) : boolean {

    return collection.indexOf(userId) != -1;


OnFavorite(tweet) {
    if (!this.isUserInCollection(tweet.favorites, 'Glen')) {

OnRetweet(tweet) {
    if (!this.isUserInCollection(tweet.retweets, 'Glen')) {

[ ] Demonstrate only adding yourself once