I’ve blogged before about my love for MockRunner, and it just saved my backside once again… this time from JMS grief.

We were debugging some tricky thread sync problems related to JMS, and trying to setup the MQ environment to even write the test was proving just too difficult. Then I was thinking… maybe we could just mock out the whole JMS infrastructure… and sure enough, the latest Mockrunner has JMS mock support!

I love the “one stop shop” nature of MockRunner. We’re using it to test our EJBs, our Struts actions, our Servlets, our Taglibs, and now, our JMS! The only bit we’re not using is the JDBC support. I’m not sure why it gets so little profile as a library. The docs are good, the examples are good, it’s easy to understand, it does what it says on the tin. I’ve also found it a much easier library to grok than the bigger profile stuff.

Anyways, it was a doddle to mock up some MQ queues, and then decorate our test with JUnitPerf to put everything under heavy load and try and generate some contentions (there must be more scientific ways to setup thread safety/contentions, but I haven’t read enough on it. Tips welcome).

Big tick to the MockRunner! Awesome stuff, guys!