Day 2 is now live and we hack some properties on our first component (as well as learn how Angular’s component model hangs together).

Three big ideas on today’s show:

  1. Where everything goes in an AngularJS CLI application
  2. What SystemJS is, and how it bootstraps your main app code
  3. How Angular components are structured with html, css and components (think “backing beans”)

Lots of groundwork laid today for the next episode where we hack our first component tree.

I’m also updating a YouTube Playlist of all the episodes as they come out.

Cheat sheets below if you’re interested in following along at home.

[ ] We now have a Git Repo which I will tag day1, day2, etc
[ ] Review we introduced angular-cli ng new & ng serve
[ ] Talk through the directories
[ ] SystemJS - Bootstrapping our application
[ ] Main.ts bootstraps our App for the browser