Ok. Let’s file this one under “bite off more than you can chew, then chew hard”.

Without a Goal You Can't Score

I’m committing to produce 21 bite-sized episodes covering the basics of Angular 2 as I learn them. The general idea is that we can build a bit of community to encourage one another to dig deep for 21 days and get a good sense of the framework (one coffee at a time).

The 21 Day Plan for Learning Angular 2

My scratchy outline for the series is:

  1. Getting Installed / Background on the JS community. Dev toolchain.
  2. Inside a blank Angular 2.0 project. What all the files are. What lives where.
  3. Writing your first component. Selectors, Templates (internal/external), Styles (internal/external)
  4. Introducing (events) and [properties]
  5. TypeScript quickstart
  6. Models and Data Binding
  7. Refactoring Components (parent/child)
  8. Communicating between components
  9. Introduction to Services and dependency injection
  10. Unit Testing services
  11. Routing architecture and basic menu action
  12. Routing for deep linking with parameters to URLs
  13. Working with Http and CRUD operations (and mocks)
  14. Forms and Validation with Component Binding
  15. Forms using the Forms Builder API
  16. Material design
  17. Integrating 3rd Party JS and Component Libraries
  18. Working with Observables and Promises and Reactive Programming
  19. Linting, Code Coverage and Quality Tools
  20. Integration Testing
  21. Bundling and Minifying with WebPack

It’s going to be super fun!

If you’re keen, head on over to my YouTube Channel, and subscribe to stay up to date with the action.

I’m going to try and blog up the outlines of the daily vlog here, but who knows how I’ll keep up.

Always up for a challenge…

PS. If you’re into motivational quotes, I’m super into these Casey Neistat Quotes. You should subscribe to his YouTube Channel right now. So. Much. Fun.