If you’re in the business of producing blog posts, powerpoints, or other public media, the search for relevant and powerful images is probably on your mind. I’ve experimented with a few approaches to this, and have settled on something that works for me.

Whether you use Markdown, Wordpress, or just straight HTML, there is something in this for you.

The tool that makes this painless is the Flickr CC Attribution Helper. This is a fantastic little bookmarklet that turns all of Flickr’s redistributable content into an amazing source for blog images - and making attribution completely painless.

I’ve just had a pull request accepted to the repo to do Markdown generation (thanks Alan especially for the shout out), so it’s also perfect for Github and static blog generators! (I know, all HTML is valid Markdown, but thought it was a nice touch to add)

Life is Sharing shared by cogdogblog under a Creative Commons ( BY ) license

How do I use in in my image searching workflow?

First, head over to Flickr CC Attribution Helper and choose the type of attributed link you want to consume (there are options for Markdown, Wordpress, and straight HTML).

Second, once you’ve configured the type of link you want, drag the button at the bottom of that page into you browser toolbar.

Image Attribution handy configuration window

Third, search within the Flickr Creative Commons Search for amazing images - that place is full of all kinds of awesome!

Finally, when you’ve found an image you like, click the Bookmarklet you created in step 2, and it will generate all the code you need to directly copy and paste that entry whatever post you’re working on.

Click the bookmarlet to generate the link

I’ve found this workflow really productive. I’m also using it for Powerpoint slides, since it also generates a handy “text” attribution which you can copy and paste.

Enjoy your attributed images!

(BTW, If you’re after a slick commercial service for non-tech folk that offers a turnkey solution for all this attribution stuff then Wylio is also good - I used them last year with great success).