I’ve long been a big fan of our local Canberra Java User Group, so when Peter McNeil said he was keen to put together a little travelling Java roadshow, I jumped at the chance. He’s even got a basic flyer in place.

So here’s the deal: a few of the guys from our local JUG will be running free Java info sessions during lunchtime in Belconnen, Civic, Woden and Tuggeranong over the next few months. If you’d like to get some guys from your workplace along, make sure you touch base with us ASAP.

Whilst the first one is just on quality in the development cycle, we’ve got plans for a few different themed sessions (which I’m sure that Grails will make an appearance in :-). If you’re keen to find out more, make sure you check out the CJUG Website.

I’ve been very quiet on the blogging front, since I’m working hard on a new startup project (shrink wrap, not Web 2.0 ;-) – more details on that soon. I’ve also decided to follow Dean’s lead in blogging once a week in 2010. Let’s see how far I get…