I spent last Thursday with a bunch of the Queensland Groovy and Grails folk, hanging out at the Open Source Developers Conference. The day started with a super Groovy/Grails in the Enterprise talk from Bob Brown. After that was a great chance to meet Paul King from “Groovy in Action” fame:

Paul King

I sat down and interviewed Paul about Groovy, Agile, GPars and Chickens, which will appear as part of episode 101 of the Grails podcast. I went to Paul’s talk on Groovy Testing which we gave with Craig Smith. There’s already a copy on slideshare, so check it out.

I also had a great chance to hang out with Steve Dalton and Lee Butts from Refactor. These guys work on the Grails S3 plugin and the Portlets plugin. Lee is also a Grails committed. We had lots of good chats about putting together an .au Groovy/Grails conf next year. Stay tuned - it’s gonna be a very Groovy time in the Sun.

Steve Dalton and Lee Butts

Finally, I had a chance to sit down with Luke Daley. Luke is behind the Grails Fixtures plugin, the LDAP plugin and the Grails Textmate plugin. Luke had some really good insights on developments in the Grails testing space, and it was also cool to meet another Grails Guitar player and Maven fan.

Luke Daley

Big thanks to Steve Dalton at Refactor for talking me into coming and sorting out getting me in the door. It was a fantastic time and I can’t wait for a local GroovyConf next year! It’s gonna rock!

Interviews will be up on the Grails Podcast site later in the week. Stay tuned!