Well… I made a promise to myself that my theme for this year would be “the last 20%”… Finishing off all those half-finished jobs (both online and around the house). Now that Grails in Action is out the door, it’s time to ante up.

First on the list is my Grails Jabber plugin. This plugin gives you a quick way to both send and listen on a Jabber account (check out the online docs for details and samples). It’s used in Chapter 12 on messaging and scheduling, but never actually made it out the door and onto the Grails repo.

The source for the plugin lives on github, and every time I tried to do a grails release-plugin there was a world of stacktrace grief.

Importing project to
Please wait...
svn: Authentication required for '
  grails-plugins primary Subversion repository'

The only trouble was, nothing was prompting me for a username/password, so I was a bit hosed. Turns out that this thread gave me a bunch of insight into a workaround (though it seems like a pretty rare issue - I must just be lucky). So I thought I’d write up the solution for future google-ability.

You need to create a file in your home directory under ~/.grails/settings.groovy with the following magic entries (it’s really just setting up a custom grails repo, but pointing it to the existing plugins repo ):


With the magic entries in place, you can do a grails release-plugin -repository=grailsplugins and it will force grails to use the custom repo settings. Voila! Prompts for usernames and passwords return and things are happily deployed to the plugins repo!

Righto. With that one crossed off my list, it’s time to return to my experiments with GroovyBlogs2 and Gravl2 which are both badly in need of some “last 20%” love…