Ok. Creeping up on 6.7 hours working on my Grails-based Groovy Blog Aggregator and it’s time for an update on what’s done so far.

Ok. Quite a lot is in:

But you probably want pictures…

Groovy Blogs home page after 7 hours

Where have I burnt most of the time? I know a bit has certainly gone to CSS and Photoshop (those damn gradient backdrops…). Also burnt a fair bit of it working out how Rome handles Atom and RSS irregularities (still some XML encoding bugs in there to iron out at my end).

Also came across some issues in the remoteFormLink tag when using Yahoo as the underlying Ajax library. Retreated to Prototype version and life was good (must remember to log an issue on that one).

So things are definitely on track for my 20 hour timeframe… but everyone says that early in a project :-)