That’s right. Grails apps now play nice on Glassfish v1. Graham has been very patient about my regular nagging over GRAILS-269 , and true to his word, the new Grails 0.4 will indeed be Glassfish friendly.

This is sensational news for me, since I have been busting to run a few of my apps publicly for a while and had to resort to all sorts of dodgy workarounds getting Grails running on Jetty while the rest of my apps run on Glassfish.

For a first taste, try out my little Groogle test harness to see how you can add full text search to your Grails app. You can read more about how Groogle is implemented here and download the source if you’re super keen.

I found I had issues with straight Glassfish V1 b48 on Ubuntu (CPU went to 100% whenever I deployed an app), but I’ve had great success on the latest update release (UR1 P1) on both Win32 and Linux. Took the opportunity to upgrade to JDK 1.6 at the same time and everything is playing very nicely!

Huge props to Graham and the team for making Glassfish a first class option for Grails apps!