I figured something must be up when I saw that 31 outstanding bugs were fixed in the last 24 hours, then Graeme made the annoucement that Grails 0.3 was released and available for download.

If you’ve been on the sidelines waiting to check out Grails, now is an excellent time. There have been enormous functionality enhancements in 0.3 (particularly in GORM - the ORM stuff - which is now so cool), the documentation is just fantastic, and the mailing list is extremely active with tons of input from the actual committers, and heaps of openness to offering your own ideas on how things could be made more groovy.

I gave a talk to the Canberra JUG in Australia last Wednesday night, and it was packed. There are a lot of people watching Grails right now. It’s awesome to see. Someone asked me "How can you feel comfortable building commercial apps on 0.3?" I said, "It’s not about the numbers, it’s about having an active community that are moving and shaking. You’re more likely to get fixes when people are excited…." . The next question was about a paginate tag…. fixed last night in GRAILS-337.

Props to Graeme and all the team. Awesome effort!