I’m right into this podcasting deal of late, and I’ve gotta point you to The Java Posse for a great Java-centric podcast with excellent interview content.

This last week they’ve interviewed Joshua Bloch from Google (of JDK collections fame - and writer of that excellent book) and it was a very interesting listen. In particular it’s interesting to see that Google run on C++ for the core search stuff, and Java a lot of everywhere else, with some Python in there for the glue. Joshua is one very smart dude, and it’s interesting to hear some of his ideas on the future of Java (also makes me want to play with Python just so I can get a feel for what it’s like for scripty goodness).

If you haven’t got into the podcasting thing yet, grab an aggregator and make it happen! I can also recommend DirectCut as a great tool for splitting podcasts into manageable segments (I split mine into 5 minute segments which makes it easier to jump around in my player).

I’m loving listening to interviews and news on the way to work! Kudos to those Java Posse dudes!