It was a big weekend. Installed a new cistern in the ensuite, took my family to the zoo, and packaged up a very early copy of my SWT port for Mac, Linux, and even Windows. Here’s a grab of the original Win32 C++ version of PasswordSafe:

Win32 Version of PasswordSafe

And here’s a copy of my PasswordSafeSWT port running on Windows:

PasswordSafeSWT 0.1 running on Windows

Aside from the icons needing some photoshopping, and the toolbar button being a little too wide, I’ve been very happy with the result. Screenshots are also online for Mac and Linux .

This is a 0.1 release, really just an excuse to get something out the door and feel like I’m getting somewhere. There’s still lots to do, but there is actually a lot in here. Load/Save/Add/Edit/Delete/Change Password/Export/Rightclicks… so this release is actually pretty functional for a 0.1! I’ve put a growing list of “TODO” items in the src package, but it feels good to finally get it out the door.

I’m hoping to migrate into the Sourceforge project once I get some peer review from the developer list, but for now, you can grab an “at your own risk” copy from my downloads page. Source is up there too.

After a little research, I even managed to create a dmg file for the Mac after reading this very helpful post. Wonder if there’s a DMG Ant task out there… it’s currently the only manual part of the build, so that would be very cool.

Anyways, enjoy. And be nice… since this is my first official attempt to put some Open Source out there.