I first learned about StatCVS on a developerWorks, and it looked pretty darn cool. Basically it’s a tiny Java app that crunches CVS logs and produces a bunch of neat HTML reports. It produces stuff for your project as a whole, and by individual developer. You can see who works the most in what parts of the source tree, what time of day you do your most commits, what percentage of mods vs new classes are committed, and all sorts of cvs-related administrivia.

It certainly passes the “Just Works” test - I was up and running in under 5 minutes - and the graphs it produces are really quite cool. Interesting to know that my most prolific commits happen between 9-10 AM and 3-4 PM, and typically on a Thursday. Whatever that means. I also spend 40% of my time on maintance and 60% on new code, which means we must have added a stack of features in the last year!

The only thing lacking is a way to start a date range after the initial import of your project (since we migrated a stack of source from another version control system to CVS, all the stats are skewed for the guy who did the original commit).

Anyways, a very nifty utility to play with for a bit of fun.