In my endless quest for some kinda JVM for my Ipaq 1940, I’ve come across two new contenders (and found out more about a third):

  • Creme - which I’ve downloaded and successfully installed an eval of (I’m waiting to here back pricing); and
  • Jeode for Dell Axim - which, despite what the Handago page says, apparently runs on PocketPC 2003s of most varieties. Retails for around $50. Apparently Sun have some licence agreement with Esmertec that stops them selling their VM to anyone but Device OEMs, hence the work around
  • Websphere Studio Device Developer - which, after endless browsing on the IBM site, appears to retail for around $600. Which is pretty hefty to just get a JVM (it’s bundled with a whole WSAD Style IDE, hence the big ticket).

Anyone running any of these bad boys on their own Ipaq’s? Be interested to hear your experienced. Now that I’ve started playing with SWT, I’m keen to run an SWT app on my PocketPC. How cool would that be!!