I was checking out Matt Raible’s AppFuse code earlier today and geez that guy can write clean code!

One very neat thing that caught my eye was also in his build script. Get this, he has an Ant task that buddles his FAQ, Release Notes, and HOWTOs directly from his Wiki into a local html file.

Basically he uses the <get> task to a URL like http://yourwiki/wikitohtml.jsp?Install&ReadMe&FAQ&HowTo where the JSP must just piece together the various Wiki pages into a single HTML file. You’ve gotta love that!

Another neat trick is to modify your log4j config to have a pattern like @@APPNAME@@ %c %p %d %m%n and use the <replace> task to sub in your app name at build time. Very neat for when you’re watching a Tomcat console logger!

+1 to the Matt Raible fan club. His code rocks!